Routing Cover
Routing Cover


Precision for everything

Finding the precise way from A to B is no problem today - as long as you are traveling by car or on foot. But finding the route of a bus or train is a different story. Our routing service includes a large number of vehicles, resulting in higher precision than any other service, especially when it comes to public transport vehicles. We guarantee high quality because the routing relies on richly attributed data from the rail, road and footpath network and uses sophisticated heuristics.


The routing is adapted to our maps. For long distances that are used in small-scale overviews, the routes are simplified ("generalized") in exactly the same way as in the maps, so that they correspond exactly to the features on the base map. In contrast, routes are calculated in great detail for detailed views, right down to individual tracks in the station.

One application of routing can be found in our worldwide tracker, in which the routes are calculated as trajectories for all vehicles.

WKP Route

The Routing service is applied in numerous projects. For example, the routes are shown in our real-time tracker calculated above. The Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) uses the routing for trains, trams, buses and cable cars to provide travelers with detailed information about the course of the travel itinerary. Routing is also available in mapset to simplify the drawing of footpaths in the map.


Where to go and how

Exact routes also have the potential to analyze the characteristics along the route. On this basis, we offer, for example, exact height profiles or counts of objects such as level crossings, traffic lights or pedestrian crossings along the route. Here we offer evaluations specifically tailored to your requirements.


Telephone: +41 61 588 05 05

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geOps AG
Solothurnerstrasse 235
CH-4600 Olten

fon: +41 61 588 05 05
geOps GmbH
Bismarckallee 10
D-79098 Freiburg im Breisgau

fon: +49 761 458 925 0
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